Reading Notes: Norse Mythology (Part 4)

For Part 4 of Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman, I read through Chapter 11: Thor's Journey to the Land of Giants.  This story is a tale of Thor, Thor's servant, and Loki visiting Jotenheim. The giant Skrymir helps them find the huge fortress, Utgard. Upon reaching Utgard, the giant there, Utgartha-Loki tells them that only those who are the best of something are allowed in his city.  The travels then proceed to go head to head against a competitor in the task they feel they are the best of the best at.  Loki competes in eating the quickest, Thor's servant competes in running the fastest, and Thor, of course, competes as the strongest.  Thor and his companions are angry and confused when they are defeated by Utgartha-Loki's champions.  It isn't until the next day that Utgartha-Loki explains who they were really competing against.

This story was very interesting.  At first, it seemed like another story about the gods easily defeating their enemies and being top dog, but that quickly changes.  I like that they technically didn't win, but only because Utgartha-Loki cheated.  The more I read this book, the more I love it!


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