Reading Notes: Alice in Wonderland (Part A)

For this week's reading, I decided to check out the Alice in Wonderland Unit from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (1865).  This story has always been a favorite of mine growing up.  The Disney movie will always hold a special place in my heart.  I'm fairly certain I have seen it upwards of 100 times over the years.  Despite loving the story so much, I have never actually read Carroll's book.  When I saw it listed as an option for reading this week, I immediately started reading it.  While reading it, I became very curious about where Carroll got his ideas for the characters.  I ended up having a very long Wikipedia Trail over different facts in the book. I talked about a few of these articles in my Wiki Trails post this week. It is rumored that he based Alice off of a daughter of a family he befriended, but many think the book was simply dedicated to her.  I learned that the Dodo is supposed to be based off of Carroll himself.  Lewis Carroll was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson's pen name.  Carroll had a stammer and the Dodo is thought to refer to his struggle in pronouncing his own last name, Dodgson.  It would be very interesting to rewrite parts of his famous book and replace the characters with ones that are meaningful to me.
The White Rabbit, John Tenniel (Original illustrator)


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