Tech Tip: Google Reverse Image Search

Have you ever found a picture of something and wanted to find the source or even a better quality version of it?  Well, I definitely have.  All the time, I find logos for things that I can't remember what company they are for and it drives me nuts.  I also get really frustrated when I look through my pictures after visiting a museum and find that I forgot to take a picture of the information card for a piece.  Then, I'm just stuck trying to recall who did the piece and what it was called.  Well, Google Reverse Image Search saves the day every time.  This is something I used to use all the time and then I kind of forgot about it.  When I was reading through the options for Tech Tips, I got so excited when I saw this as an option.  I had completely forgotten how to do it and the instructions were linked right there.  I went to the Gilcrease Museum in Tulsa a few weeks ago (I highly recommend it, by the way) and I took a picture of an awesome painting there.  As I was scrolling through my photos to show some friends, they all loved this painting, as well.  Unfortunately, I couldn't remember who painted it or what it was called.  I didn't even know what to begin to search for. 

Before searching for my mystery painting, I followed the steps on the instructions page to look up one of the sample pictures listed.
After clicking the camera icon on Google Image Search, I dragged the image above into the prompt box.  After a few seconds, Google loaded a search page that gave me a link to sources of the image in various sizes, a "Best guess for this image" (which was "Ravana Kidnapping Sita Painting"), and links to pages with the title of the piece in it.

Since searching for this image worked so well, I decided to look up my mystery painting.
Image: Photograph by Caitlyn Buckley of a Painting at the Gilcrease Museum
This is the photo that I took.  After uploading into the Google Image search, I found that it is a painting by Woody Crumbo titled "Rainbow Horse."  I feel like I should have remembered that title, since it's pretty straight forward, but I did see a lot of paintings that day.

You all should check out the Reverse Image Search (it might be fun to make a game out of it..) and also check out the museum I went to! The Gilcrease Museum has some amazing paintings there and they have a Norman Rockwell exhibit until June that is really amazing with some "behind the scenes" photographs.


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