Reading Notes: Celtic Fairy Tales (Part A)

For the extra reading this week, I decided to read the Celtic Fairy Tales unit, and I fell in love with all of these wonderful stories. My favorite from the first half was Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree from Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1892). In this story, the mother, Silver-Tree goes to a trout in the river and asks if she is the most beautiful to which it tells her that actually her daughter, Gold-Tree is the most beautiful. Silver-Tree can't stand this and decides that Gold-Tree must die so that she will remain as the most beautiful. The story carries on very similar to Snow White, with the mother trying repeatedly to kill her daughter. She even poisons Gold-Tree and the prince that Gold-Tree had married refuses to bury her because she is too beautiful. Eventually, the prince's second wife saves Gold-Tree from the poison and then tricks Silver-Tree into killing herself the next time she shows u...