Wikipedia Trails: From Thor to Ver Scarum

From reading so much Norse Mythology lately, I decided to read more about Thor in the Wikipedia article.  I really love Marvel Comics and that is what got me into Norse Mythology.  I was totally that girl in high school who was hardcore crushing on Marvel's Thor, Chris Hemsworth. It was very interesting reading Gaiman's book and also this wiki article to learn more about the mythology character that the comic is based on.  I remember Gaiman mentioned that Thursday was named after Thor, so I read the article until I found a bit about it.  Sure enough, in English, Thursday is named for Thor's Day.  I went to the article on Thursday and discovered here that Thursday is named for the Roman god Jupiter in most romance languages.  I am more familiar with Greek mythology, so I clicked the link for Jupiter to find out which one he is.  At the end of this article, in the See Also section, was a link to Ver Scarum.  I had no idea what this was so I decided to check it out.  This article discusses this religious practice that is to worship the gods, mainly Mars.  If I understood it right, all the children born in the spring are sent to conquer another city when they turn 20 or 21.  It seems like a very odd practice, but it was an interesting article.


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