Famous Last Words: The End is Here

Wow, Dead Week is coming to an end and finals are about to begin.  I cannot believe that this semester has gone by so fast.  It seems like only yesterday I was stressing over the first day of lectures for this semester.  I am filled with a huge mixture of emotions as I go into my final days of this semester.  I am sad that several of my friends are graduating and moving off to far away places.  My best friend, whom I have known for my entire life, is moving to Washington state in just a few weeks.  My brother graduates from OU's Medical School in two weeks and then he and his wife are moving to Alabama for his residency.  I am also incredibly happy for them, but I am going to miss them so much. 
Relief is probably the emotion I am looking forward to the most.  Come Wednesday at 6pm, I will be free for summer and I am looking forward to it.  For now, I still have two classes to finish assignments for and a few final papers to turn in.  Then, I will give my final presentation on Wednesday.  After that, it is a summer filled with reading by the pool, moving to a nicer house, and visiting my brother and his wife in Mobile, Alabama to hit the beach with them. 
Spring 2018 has been a very rough semester, complete with some pretty brutal obstacles.  It has also been one that I have grown the most in, I think.  I have taken some of my most challenging courses, yet.  They definitely were not easy, but I am going to pass them and that is what counts.  I have absolutely loved this class, as well.  All of the things we read were fascinating and the assignments were generally fun to do.  With all of the crazy that came up in my life, having a class as flexible as this one was a huge life saver.

Image info:  I thought people could use a little cheering up from Dead Week and Finals, so here is a picture that I took of my brother's dog, Kuma.  He is a Shiba (the doge dog) and is freaking adorable.


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