An updated version of this story can be found here at my site: Finding Mythology Image: The Golden Girl Amaterasu, the Sun-Goddess, was cherished by everyone. She was the most beautiful goddess and definitely the brightest. One day, she was sitting at the loom of the world, weaving in different pieces of life. She weaved into the pattern patches of joy and love with dismay and slaughter. Her loom was filled with all the parts of life. Suddenly, the demon of fire, Susa-no-wo came down from the peak. He came with wrath and malice, tearing in from the void. Amaterasu was frightened by her brother’s sudden presence and feared his power. She fled to the shadows of night in a cave to hide from the wrath of her brother and would refused to return to the heavens. All the people mourned the disappearance of their beautiful goddess. Their bright star was gone and so the people begged and cried for her return. But, she would not leave her cave and the people became even more upset...
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