Japanese Mythology Reading A

Image: Mirror in Water, Source In the Japanese Mythology unit, one of the stories that really interested me was The Miraculous Mirror . The Sun Goddess, Amaterasu, is tricked by a mirror. Her fellow goddesses tell her there is a princess more beautiful than anything else and tell her to look into the mirror to see her. When Amaterasu looks in, she thinks she sees a rival and becomes furious. This short little story caught my attention, because of the similarities it has with other myth stories from around the world. In Greek mythology, Narcissus sees his own reflection and falls in love with it, not knowing it is an image of himself. In the children's story that most Americans are familiar with, Snow White, the Queen asks a mirror who is the most beautiful. Upon learning that she has a rival, she becomes furious. As I read more myths from around the world, I think it is fascinating when you begin to see similarities in stories from dif...